All about Ephedrine
Ephedrine has been the favorite choice of many bodybuilders, athletes, asthmatics as well as obese people. Basically this drug comes under the classification, expectorant bronchodilator. Thus we see that it has varied uses. As an expectorant, Ephedrine thins out the mucus secretion and phlegm, thereby making it much easier to expel out from the body. As a bronchodilator, the drug relaxes the smooth muscles tissues which are distributed widely across the airways, thereby facilitating easier breathing for dyspneic patients. Treatment using ephedrine can be the right solution for a number of health problems such as tightness in chest, shortness of breath, as well as wheezing.

Ephedrine is even able to increase the aerobic capacity and increase the oxygen transportation to various parts of the body. When it is used along with caffeine, it is found to increase thermogenesis as well as body’s energy levels. This means that it improves the capacity of the body to burn fats and energy. Due to these capabilities, more and more bodybuilders are attracted to this drug. Most of bodybuilders, who want to shape out their muscular cuts, use Ephedrine HCL very often. Obese people also appreciate this drug for the same effects along with its appetite suppressant property. Ephedrine is a stimulant too. It increases adrenaline levels in the blood streams and stimulates the central nervous system of the body.
Ephedrine is usually taken by mouth every four hours as per doctor’s advice. The dosage of the medicine depends upon the medical condition of the patient as well as his/her response to it. It must be noted that the intake of Ephedrine should not exceed 150 mg for adults per day and 75 mg per day for children. This medication should be used exactly as per the physician’s prescription.
You should not increase the dosage by any means or use it for longer period than the prescribed period since you may develop drug dependence as well as increase risk of side effects. If you continue to use Ephedrine for extended periods, it may not produce desired effects as before. Therefore, it is advisable to a doctor who may recommend “drug holiday”, which means that you are withdrawn from the drug temporarily. This makes the drug to work more effectively later.
Some of the notable side effects of Ephedrine when mainly used in conjunction with caffeine include loss of sleep, shakiness, irritability. It is contraindicated for the people who suffer from cardiac problems, high blood pressure, thyroid problems, enlarged prostate and patients who recently have taken MAOIs (Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors). As an effort to control of drug abuse, the US government has imposed various limitations on the amount of ephedrine one can purchase for a single month. On the other hand, some state governments have even fully banned the online ordering of Ephedrine. The drug should be used very cautiously as per the doctor’s order. See that you are not developing any sort of drug dependence and risk your health with harmful side effects.